White marble bathroom with bath and toilet with the words above the image: Ideas To Help You Simply Clean The Bathroom
Blue vanity with two sinks and two oval mirrors on the wall with the words above the image: Easy Bathroom Cleaning Tips

If you want that clean feeling in your bathroom here are some time-saving tips on how to simply clean the bathroom quickly and easily.

A bathroom is a place where you can relax and have some ‘me’ time, this is especially so when you have young children. Check out these tips and ideas on how deep cleaning the bathroom can have an impact on how you feel about your home.

Having space to wash, relax, and have a few minutes to tend to your needs is important. But it’s also important for your family too.

Triangle shapes in pink and blue on a white background with the words: how to simply clean the bathroom

Being able to do this in a clean bathroom means that you are not thinking about the other tasks that need doing and you are just looking after yourself.

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Tips On How To Clean The Bathroom

If you are looking for quick tips on how to clean your bathroom these tips are great if you are in a rush and don’t have hours to spend cleaning one room.

  • Clean the bathroom after you have finished using it and then it will always be clean.
  • Consider using some room fragrance either in the form of candle or bathroom freshener.
  • Open the window each day to let the fresh air in, this will reduce the moisture in the room.
  • Drying ( I use the Ecloth polishing cloth for best results) the suite after cleaning or a quick spot clean will make the room look cleaner.
  • Add time into your day to do a quick spot check of your bathroom, if it looks and smells good then enjoy, if not quickly address the problem.

Check out 10 Bathroom Cleaning Essentials

Blue vanity with two sinks and two oval mirrors on the wall with the words above the image: Easy Bathroom Cleaning Tips

How To Clean the Bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom isn’t a difficult task but making sure it smells good helps too.

If the bathroom smells bad you are not going to want to spend any time in there.

Some great ways that can help keep your bathroom smelling fresh:

  • Try to open the window and let some fresh air into your bathroom, even if it is just for 10 minutes. Not only will it help to remove any bad smells but it will also reduce the amount of moisture in your bathroom reducing the chances of a mold outbreak.
  • There are many products on the market that are bathroom room fresheners; they release fresh smells into the room. The disadvantage of this type of room freshener is that you are constantly releasing chemicals into the atmosphere. For me, I am trying to reduce the number of chemicals that I use in the home and I will not use the spray room fresheners. I prefer the gel ones or a reed diffuser that has a nice scent.
  • If you use candles in the bathroom then be careful, keep them away from curtains, flammable material, and young children.

Simple Tips For A Clean Bathroom

If you are looking for a clean bathroom then you will need to clean and dry the sink, shower, bath, and toilet.

Drying is going to give the bathroom suite the shine; it’s a great way to quickly spruce up a bathroom by just drying the surfaces.

It will brighten up the bathroom and it will make the room appear clean without spending too much time cleaning.

When To Clean The Bathroom

A great time for cleaning is after you have used the room.

When you’ve have finished in the shower, it is an ideal time to clean.

This is a great way to ensure when the next person goes into the bathroom it will be clean for them.

It will also mean that you will not need to do marathon cleaning sessions because you will be keeping on top of cleaning the bath, sink, and toilet.

Related article: How To Deep Clean A Bathroom

Keeping The Bathroom Clean

There are lots of ways that you can clean your bathroom keeping it fresh, clean, and smell free.

However, you will need to schedule cleaning your bathroom into your routine, it’s not something that will clean itself or can be left for long periods of time as it will start to smell.

Finding the easiest option for you is about looking at your schedule and the time you have.

If you have time for just one long cleaning session a week then that is fine, if you have more short time bursts for cleaning fit your bathroom cleaning into these small-time pockets.

Related article: Easy To Follow Bathroom Cleaning Routine

Deep Clean Your Bathroom

Periodically, you will need to perform a deep clean of your bathroom, when it comes to deep cleaning it’s great to make a list and then you know where you are starting from and the end results you are looking for.

This list will highlight some of those less frequent tasks you need to do and you could even add them to your cleaning schedule so as to not forget them the next time you tackle a deep-cleaning session.

Planning Your Cleaning Sessions

Create time in your schedule for any deep-cleaning sessions, they are going to take up a chunk of time.

It’s a great idea to set a timer on these deep cleans as time can quickly disappear and could affect the rest of your day.

Keep your plans simple and make bathroom cleaning less of a chore so you don’t hate cleaning the room as this can have a negative impact on how you feel about the room.

Make cleaning your bathroom part of your cleaning schedule and start enjoying the time you spend in there.

Related article: How To Create A Cleaning Schedule

 White marble bathroom with bath and toilet with the words above the image: Ideas To Help You Simply Clean The Bathroom

More Resources For Bathroom Cleaning

There are so many areas you need to clean in a bathroom it’s a good idea to have other articles to refer to.

Here is a list of potential articles you might like to read.

I’m a qualified organizer and I’ve kept a clean home for over 25 years. I worked in a bank for a few years and saw first-hand the importance of budgeting. Join me as I write about organizing and cleaning your home and life.