What Is the Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning? 

What Is the Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning? 

Inside: Learn what the Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning is and how it can help you to declutter your home. Swedish death cleaning. Sounds a little dark – right? Fortunately, this minimalist approach to cleaning and organizing isn’t as morbid as it sounds. And it...
How Habit Stacking Has Helped Me to Get More Exercise

How Habit Stacking Has Helped Me to Get More Exercise

Inside: Learn how habit stacking has helped me to get more exercise and improve my health. Often on the top of many people’s New Year’s resolutions is to get healthier in the coming year. For some that specifically means eating better. For others, it’s going to the...
Saturday 6

Saturday 6

{Wreath / Serving Platter / Serving Set / Utensil Caddy / Crossbody Bag} Happy Saturday! YEA for the weekend. Lots to share in this week’s Saturday 6 so let’s jump right in with some recent Target finds! I went into Target for deodorant and cleaning supplies and came...