Inside: Use these six steps to create a mindful morning routine that works for you so that you can get your day started off right.
The way you navigate your morning routine has a big influence on how your day unfolds.
Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced world, mornings can often feel like a mad dash to get through your must-dos before you head out the door – which is not an ideal way to begin.
For those who value purposeful and intentional living, the morning is a golden opportunity to lay a foundation of balance and focus to carry through your day.
By adopting a more mindful morning routine, you give yourself a chance to pause, reset, and start your day with clarity and calmness – instead of stress and overwhelm.
Incorporating a few simple practices and being more thoughtful about the actions that are already part of your routine can help you approach each day with intention.
Not sure how you can craft a mindful morning routine that works for you? It’s easier than you might think. Follow these steps to embrace more intention and purpose as you start each day:

6 Steps to Create a Mindful Morning Routine
Follow these six steps to create a mindful morning routine that works for you.
1 – Start with a little bit of gratitude.
Beginning your day with gratitude is a great way to infuse some much-needed mindfulness into your morning routine.
As you wake up, take a few moments to reflect on what you’re thankful for – your warm bed, the promise of a new day, or the ritual of enjoying a cup of coffee.
You can keep it casual and simply reflect on what you’re grateful for as you stretch or brush your teeth, or take a more structured approach by keeping a gratitude journal by your bed and jotting down a few things you’re grateful for each morning.

2 – Hydrate and nourish your body.
Instead of reaching straight for a cup of coffee and heading out the door on an empty stomach, a good habit is to be more mindful about how you fuel your body at the start of the day.
After a long night of sleep, most of us are long overdue for a big glass of water. Hydrate – and fill up your water bottle to take with you – while you wait for your coffee to brew.
As for food, a nutritious breakfast can give you the energy you need to navigate your schedule. Oatmeal, a smoothie, or whole-grain toast with eggs are great options to consider.
And try not to rush through breakfast. Instead, try to carve out enough time in your routine so you can slow down and eat mindfully.
While many of us are used to devouring our breakfast on the go – or skipping the meal altogether – taking a few minutes to sit down and enjoy the meal can make a big difference.

3 – Incorporate movement into each morning.
One of the best morning habits you can add to your routine is movement.
Finding a way to incorporate physical activity in your morning routine isn’t just a good way to wake up your body – it’s an easy way to boost your mood and energy levels, thanks to the release of endorphins.
If you’re the kind of person who loves a good high-intensity workout in the morning (and has time to fit one in), sign up for a spin class or go for a run.
Prefer something a little more gentle? Yoga, a walk around the neighborhood, or even a five-minute stretching session can have a positive impact.
The key? Choose a type of movement that resonates with you and works with your schedule.

4 – Plan your days with intention.
If you’re guilty of rushing through your day without actually knowing where you’re supposed to be next, you aren’t alone. Many of us live our lives at the mercy of our calendars, waiting for that reminder to go off so we know where to go next.
Instead, consider being a little more intentional with your day. Take a few minutes in the morning to sit down, look at your schedule, and ensure your plans are aligned with your priorities.
Identify the top three things you want to accomplish during the day and make sure you’ve allocated time for each of them.
If you can, incorporate a few breaks into your day to ensure you aren’t rushing from one place to the next without time to decompress.
Another great way to be a little more mindful here? Take time to reflect, meditate, or pray as you start your day.
Also, consider how you’d like the day to proceed and how you want to handle the things that come your way. Carry that feeling forward as you navigate your day and see how much of an impact a positive outlook can make.

5 – Limit digital distractions.
While it might be tempting to dive into emails or scroll through social media right after you wake up, try to resist the urge. For many of us, grabbing our phones first thing in the morning is a habit – and it isn’t a good one.
Instead, it’s an easy way to experience information overload and disrupt the sense of calmness you’re trying to cultivate through your mindful morning routine.
Try to dedicate the first hour of your day to offline activities. If this feels like a challenge, consider investing in an old-school alarm clock and keeping your phone in a different room while you sleep.
Studies have shown that people sleep better without their cell phones next to their bed.
Starting your day by scrolling not only wastes your time, but it also doesn’t set a great tone for the day.

6 – Set a consistent wake-up time.
Consistency is critical to any successful routine, and your morning routine begins when you get out of bed. Choose a time to wake up that gives you enough space to navigate your mindful morning routine without feeling rushed.
This might mean you need to set your alarm to wake you up a bit earlier – or adjust your schedule to accommodate a later wake-up.
If you have the flexibility to do it, aligning your waking time with your natural sleep cycle can help you feel more refreshed and ready for the day.
As you create a more mindful morning routine, it’s helpful to evaluate your evening routine as you prepare to go to bed. That will ensure that you get adequate sleep to prepare for the following day.
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