Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Happy 2025! I hope you all had a nice holiday! We had a great Christmas and then spent the following week in Maui. It was gorgeous and we didn’t want to leave! Home again now and we’re settling into a routine with school for Kole starting today. My girls are home the rest of this week so I’m soaking up as much time with them as I can before they head back to college!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

I usually schedule some activities ahead of time when we visit Hawaii, but this year I made 3 dinner reservations for the week and that was it! Ha. I knew we all just needed some down time. Kenny has had a crazy busy year at work, the girls had a stressful month with finals and December is always nonstop for moms.. we were tired! It was a perfect week. The best kind of vacation when you can’t remember what day or time it is and nobody really cares. 🙂

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Not a bad view from Kole’s couch bed!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

{Who’s Most Likely To..}

We had so much fun with this game and played it almost every night after dinner.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

These are some of the cards my lovely family thinks are me. Gets totally lost but has a great time? My friends would agree. Will alphabetize spice rack in free time? Best way to party. Has a guy for that? What do you need done. Trapped by revolving door? Happens every time. Revelations about life that lead to bouts of crying? Maybe a few. It is ALWAYS LIKE REALLY COLD.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

A little embarrassed to admit to some of these but apparently I’ll “do it for the insta.” Ha. The best part about the cards is they bring up all sorts of funny family jokes/stories you reminder when you’re trying to decide who gets each card so you just end up laughing through the game.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

We spent most of the trip snorkeling/swimming in the ocean, lounging by the pool, playing games, watching movies..

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

and chilling with the turtles. 🙂

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

I could watch them for hours. This little guy was so persistent.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

We watched him for 20 minutes making his way to the water. When the wave finally took him in and his little head popped up out of the water before he really took off we all cheered. A little like life right? Don’t give up. Slow and steady wins the race. 🙂

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

I don’t really set New Years Goals much anymore. I gave that up years ago when I kept repeatedly writing “cook 3 times a week” and realized no matter how many times I wrote it down it just wasn’t going to happen. But I do love taking some time to think about things I want to keep prioritizing and working on with another beautiful new year in front of me! Determined to keep my closet clean! This is the year. 🙂

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

These are the things I’m trying to do without this year. Clutter is always out for me but the other things are areas I definitely could improve! I was typing these last night while I was watching a movie with Ad and I showed them to her and said “are these dumb? do I dare share them? Wait.. I have more in the In column than the Out column and they aren’t lining  up right..I need to re-type these..” Ad said “hello overthinking and perfectionism..”

Apparently I have some work to do in 2025 so those goal don’t end up just being tossed out with the cooking ones.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

If you like to think about areas of life to grow and improve each year like I do this is a favorite January printable! You can download it free HERE. I’m going to fill it out too because it helps me really think about how I want to grow in each of these categories that are important to me.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

This is another printable I love when I’m working on one or two habits I want to change! There is something about checking off each day you can maintain it that is so motivating for me!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)


Who is ready to organize with me this month? And all the other months? 🙂 I am SO excited to tackle my house this year! I know I say that I’m excited to organize every year, but this year I’m really feeling ready to donate so many thing in my home. Now that my girls have moved out and Kole is so much older I feel like I need to re-do a lot of our spaces. There is a lot in my home that I’m holding on to that we just don’t need anymore. Needs have changed and it’s time! I was a little too emotional to do this type of a clean out right after my girls moved out, but now I’m feeling ready. LESS is MORE and I am looking forward not back! It’s going to be a party. 🙂

If you are feeling like I am and ready to tackle ALL of your spaces I started a folder of ALL of my favorites for organizing HERE. But definitely do the de-cluttering first before you start ordering cute bins! Rookie mistake to order the bins first. 😉

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

If it helps you to write down exactly what needs to be done and focus on one area each week these Get Organized printables are so helpful!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

My 15 minute organizing printable is my most used!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

15 minutes a day really adds up and I’m always amazed at how much I can get done each week by just a little here and there.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

I also have a lot I want to do to update my home this year. I haven’t even started taking down Christmas yet.. waiting to start when my girls go back! But I already have some fun ideas of how I can warm things up this winter and there are a few things I want to change/update around here. I’m excited to get started!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)This is a fun printable I’m going to fill out to keep me focused with home projects!

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

And this is my go-to list for any and all projects I use over and over again! You can download all of my printables HERE. I hope they help you stay focused like they always help me!

Signing off with a few more pics on my phone from Maui..

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Love these 4 so much.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t get a good photo with just Kenny this trip! But my girls snapped this.. they always take pics of us from behind when we are holding hands. I love that they know that their parents love each other.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Good-bye for now Maui! Thanks for the memories.

Happy 2025/Maui (Sunny Side Up)

Love this and couldn’t agree more. Cheers to a new year ahead! With lots of fun things in store.

And hopefully less revelations about life that lead to bouts of crying.


xoxo, Erin