Tea tree oil is going to kill the mold that it comes into contact with making this product amazing when it comes to killing mold! Don't use inferior products that don't actually kill the mold! Click the link to read more about this product and what it can do for you. #mold #teatreeoil #mould
mould on window sill
Do You Wish Mold Would Do One?
Do You Have Moldy Windows
Don’t Let Mold Stay In Your Home
Mold Issues?
Moldy Window Sills?
Non Bleach
Kill Mold On Your Window Sills For Good!
Treat Them With Essential Oils And Kill the Mold
Tips For Moms To Kill Mold
Top Tips On Killing Mold Today
Use Just Essential Oils To Kill It Dead
Get Rid Of Mold For Good
Don't Let Mold Into Your Home
The Best Ways For Tackling Mold On Window Sills
Remove Mold From Window Sills

Are you fed up with mold on window sills? Or do you have unsightly mold around your windows that you want to go? Let me show you what to use to make this mold disappear and what to look out for in the future.

These mold removal tips are great, but be vigilant because mold is a living thing, and they’re always looking for places to set up a new home.

But how do you remove mold from your window sills? What should you use to kill the mold?

Remove Mold From Window Sills

The trouble with mold is that it spreads easily. So, getting rid of black mold around windows isn’t tough the problem is keeping it that way.

Did you know mold releases spores into the air intending to set up a new home?

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But What Kills Mold On Window Sills

You might be surprised when I say not to use bleach on mold as it doesn’t always kill it.

You can read more about not using bleach to kill mold: Cleaning Mold With Bleach

It isn’t as simple as you might think, some products don’t always kill mold, and bleach is one of these examples.

It removes the color and the surface appearance of mold but it doesn’t kill all mold so the chances are it will come back.

Tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide are the two products I recommend using to kill mold in your home, including on the window sills.

Why Mold Grows On Windows

Mold develops around windows because of the difference in temperature from the inside to the outside, which can cause condensation.

Mold loves damp, warm places to breed and grow, making your windows an ideal spot.

We’ve created this problem for ourselves, we seal up our homes to reduce the potential of any energy loss, but this increases the amount of moisture in the air.

This is why mold on the window sill comes from condensation, the more condensation the higher the chance of mold.

There’s a lack of ventilation to prevent the mold from setting up their home on your window sills.

So, when the conditions are right mold will settle and start to grow, it doesn’t matter whose home it is mold spores will grow.

Mold spores are in the air and can easily enter your home, you can get air purifiers that can kill mold spores.

Preventing mold spores from growing in your home is key to keeping mold at bay.

Related article: Mold Removal Tips

How To Clean Mold Off Window Sills Without Bleach

When it comes to mold we must protect ourselves from inhaling mold spores or spreading them to new places.

The simplest way is to put the tea tree oil on a cloth and dab it on the mold, this way the mold won’t be able to release the mold spores into the air.

Let the tea tree oil sit there before wiping it away.

Related article: Does Bleach Kill Mold Spores?

The Best Ways For Tackling Mold On Widow Sills

If you want to get rid of mold on window sills then consider how the mold grows. Are you providing it with the perfect environment in which to live?

As we’ve just discussed we need to make airflow, this stops the mold from forming. You need to supply some ventilation to the room with the mold problem.

It can be in more than one room of your home so consider what you need for your whole home before making any purchases.

Some windows come with built-in ventilation, they are air flow devices that reduce the chances of condensation.

This is something that we had to ask for when replacing our windows, it’s something that’s offered but not something they ask when they are designing your windows. It will cause a draft and make the room less energy efficient.

How To Get Rid Of Window Mold

I have seen mold growing on my windows, specks of mold trying to take hold.

If you want to know
how to remove mold on windows, this is an easy process and simply wiping the
glass with the cleaning product of choice will do the trick.

These spores are looking for a home. They might have landed on moisture and decided to see if they could set up a new home.

These are the easiest places to get rid of the mold because it can’t get its roots into the glass and any product that kills mold will eradicate these new mold homes quickly and easily.

Related article: Window Cleaning

What Products Will Kill Mold On Window Sills

Finding the right product to kill mold: I’m often asked: Will bleach kill black mold?

  • Bleach will not kill most molds. It’s not an effective way to treat mold on any surface. If the surface is porous, bleach is not an effective method to kill mold because it can’t penetrate the surface to kill the roots. Using bleach is great at removing the mold color but you need to reapply as it regrows. It bleaches the color of the mold but doesn’t penetrate and kill the roots. It’s allowing the mold to re-establish and re-grow.
  • Borax is supposed to be great for cleaning mold but you do need to scrub the surface, and this will release the spores into the atmosphere and can spread the mold. I’ve been told that leaving the borax on until dry should eliminate the mold. However, this product isn’t widely available and in some countries, it’s banned, and I’ve never personally used it.
  • White Vinegar is a popular cleaning product for those people who are trying to avoid chemicals in the home, unfortunately, it doesn’t kill all forms of mold. This means it isn’t an effective cleaner if you want to remove all mold growth.
  • Ammonia can’t penetrate porous surfaces so mold can survive and continue to grow. It’s good for surface cleaning but not going to solve the problem. Don’t mix ammonia with bleach as this creates a poisonous gas.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-fungal product, which will kill the bacteria that it meets and is a safer product to use than bleach. Being anti-fungal it will kill the mold. This is good news as this product is relatively cheap to buy.
  • Hot soapy water is the most ineffective way to kill mold, it can remove some of the mold, but it won’t kill the mold. It will allow the mold to spread to new surfaces as spores are released into the atmosphere.
  • Baking soda is a great cleaning product. It can kill mold by absorbing the moisture. This makes it a great treatment for mold as mold needs moisture to grow. However, it’s a very mild disinfectant, and might not be strong enough to remove all the mold.
  • Tea tree oil is the best treatment for killing and tackling mold on window sills, unfortunately, it is the most expensive option too. However, it can penetrate the roots of the mold and can kill and remove all traces of mold. Use 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil to 1 cup of water.

Choosing The Right Mold Cleaning Product For You

You need to choose a product that will remove the mold. If you opt for a product doesn’t destroy the mold, remember it’s going to come back. So, be prepared to tackle the mold again in the future.

Whatever product you are using protecting your health is key.

So, if the product recommends wearing gloves then follow these instructions.

A face mask might also be required to prevent mold spores from entering your body.

I still recommend that you use tea tree oil to tackle your mold problem, but if this is out of your budget a cheap mold-cleaning bleach-based product will make the room more aesthetically pleasing. But you will still have a mold problem to deal with.

Protecting The Area Around Your Window

Before you start cleaning the mold around the window sill protect the area around the window. You don’t want the product damaging anything else and you want to kill as many spores as possible.

Something that can be rinsed or thrown away is an option to consider. Depending on the product you are using you will want to let the product do its work before wiping and cleaning the area down.

It’s important to read the instructions for the mold-removing product so you know what you need to do.

If using tea tree oil, dab it onto the area, and let it work for about ten minutes before wiping it away.

This should be all you need to do to get rid of black mold around your windows.

But, you will still need to address the reason behind the mold setting up their home on your window sill.

How To Clean Mold And Mildew From Windows

I don’t want you to think this is an easy project, especially if the mold has taken hold of the area. When you have a bad patch of mold it can take more than one session to get rid of it.

If you don’t address the problem as to why you have mold the chances of it coming back are very high. If it’s around your window, often this is a ventilation problem and unless you take steps to address the issue it’s going to come back.

You need to look at your home and see if there are any areas where you could have more ventilation to protect your home from mold spores.

Or improving the air quality with an air purifier, to help combat the situation.

How To Clean The Mold

Whatever product you are using I would wear protective gloves as a minimum. The first thing I do is spray the cleaning product onto the cloth. I don’t spray onto the area as this could help the spores to fly away.

Then slowly and carefully remove the surface mold by dabbing. I swap the cleaning cloth before going over the area a second time because I don’t want to re-infect the area with the mold that is on the first cloth.

Wash all your cleaning cloths in hot water and I would add a drop of tea tree oil to kill any spores that might still be lurking on the cloths.

How To Prevent Mold On Window Sills

Often, I’m asked ‘How do you stop condensation and mold on my windows?’ the answer is simple, mold loves damp warm places, and this is something that we create when creating sealed homes.

The condensation forms on windows because of the different temperatures and mold simply sees this as an ideal home and quickly takes hold.

To prevent mold growth you need to remove the potential new home, this means proper ventilation and tackling any mold as soon as it’s seen.

Plants are a great way to improve the quality of the air in your home, check out this list of 20 plants that can improve air quality.

Plants are special as they toxins from the air by releasing oxygen.

Having plants in your home is going to improve the air quality no end.

Related article: Tea tree oil to kill mold

How To Keep Mold From Reappearing On Window Sills

You will need your mold-removing product to eradicate the mold. You might need to treat the black mold on window frames too, use your mold-removing product in the same way on this surface too.

However, as with all mold removal, the most important thing to do once the mold is gone is to clean the window sills regularly.

This will help ensure you can spot any potential problems before they take hold and are more difficult to remove.

Preventing Mold Growth

Mold is a living
organism and is looking for the most ideal place to live and grow. Prevention
is so much better than dealing with the problem.

Ventilation is the most important thing that you can do, air flow prevents the perfect conditions from forming. If you still have a damp environment, then you need to think of other ways to dry out the area.

Air purifiers are great because they remove mold spores and other germs from the air you breathe.

A dehumidifier is a good option, it allows the moisture to be removed from the air and this dries up the potential for having a damp room and can slow down the regrowth of mold.

Do You Know How To Remove Mold From Window Sills?

If you have mold on your windows already you need to find a product to get rid of the mold.

Think about buying plants to help combat moisture in the air.

Soap and water won’t get rid of this, you will need a product that can get in and destroy the mold including the roots.

You have options, tea tree oil is amazing, but it is expensive. Hydrogen peroxide is another option that will kill the mold.

Don’t use bleach on mold, it doesn’t kill it and the mold will grow back.

The Best Ways For Tackling Mold On Window Sills

Prevention is
always better than curing the problem, look at the room and decide if there are
any ways in which you can reduce the potential of mold.

Can you ventilate the room? Can you reduce the amount of water in the atmosphere to reduce the potential of creating the perfect home for mold?

Resources For Helping You With Mold In Your Home

When it comes to our homes, keeping them safe for our family is so important.

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I’m a qualified organizer and I’ve kept a clean home for over 25 years. I worked in a bank for a few years and saw first-hand the importance of budgeting. Join me as I write about organizing and cleaning your home and life.