Thanksgiving is fast approaching. While preparing for holidays can involve a lot of preparation and work, there’s no reason that what should be a happy occasion to celebrate with family and friends actually winds up stressing you out. With a little preparation, though, you can make things go much more smoothly. Here are 7 tips to have a stress-free Thanksgiving.
1. Make a Game Plan (Create a To do List)
You don’t need to worry about forgetting to finish a crucial Thanksgiving task if you write down all the important things ahead of time when you are calm, cool and collected. Then, you can anticipate the satisfaction of checking each task on the list as you finish them.
2. Prepare the Menu for Your Feast Ahead of Time

Listing all of the menu items now ensures that you won’t forget to include a favorite family side dish. You’ll also have your shopping list ready, so you can go shopping now or request delivery of items you purchase online. Stick to a basic menu. Leaving out complicated dishes, you’ll focus on what’s easy and familiar for you to prepare.
3. Shop Early and Purchase Extra
It’s best to get the bulk of your shopping ahead of time, such as boxed, canned and frozen items and leave fresh produce until just before cooking. You’ll want to pick up more than you think you’ll need, to account for unexpected, last-minute guests. Any food not consumed on Thanksgiving will make great leftover meals over the next few days.
4. Get Your Appliances And Serving Dishes Ready
Make sure your appliances are in good working order, including your dishwasher, blender and other kitchen gadgets. Don’t forget the electric carving knife for added convenience. Inspect and then wash and dry all serving dishes so you know they’re ready to go on feast day.

5. Get Your House Ready a Few Days Early
You don’t want to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off on Thanksgiving, frantically vacuuming, dusting and straightening things out and removing clutter on the holiday itself! Give yourself a break and take care of housecleaning chores a few days in advance.
6. Have a Clean-Up Plan
Preparing a groaning table of food does take some effort, but cleaning up afterward can be even more of a chore. Instead of feeling stress, wondering how you will get the house neat again, make a clean-up plan now so this task goes quickly and easily. And if you did all the cooking, it seems right that those who enjoyed eating it can pitch in with cleaning up afterward!
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
One problem many busy individuals have is trying to keep up appearances, not revealing they need some assistance. Don’t be shy about asking relatives or friends for a little help, from picking up items from the store to cleaning to helping you with meal preparation.

For people who are always on the go with work duties and taking care of family, life can get hectic enough during normal times. Remember that when you’re planning a wonderful get-together like Thanksgiving, the celebration will go more smoothly if you have a game plan ahead of time, giving you plenty of room to breathe. Here’s hoping you’ll have a happy and relaxing Thanksgiving this year!