The beginning of a new year offers a great opportunity to try new things and change for the better. Perhaps you’d like to become more organized, improve your health or have a beneficial impact on the world. This advice can help you make the most of these positive intentions:

1. Goals

Take the time to develop specific goals. Set a realistic deadline, find ways to measure your progress and write everything down. Choose something that really matters to you and would enhance your life. One person might benefit from losing weight while another individual achieves greater happiness by meeting new friends.

2. Variety

Every three or four weeks, try something genuinely new. You could play tennis, travel by train or eat at a Japanese restaurant. Maybe there’s a park you’ve never visited. Write down a list of ideas. These experiences will help you enjoy life and make a fresh new start.

Try something genuinely new

3. Generosity

Find ways to help other people. You don’t need a lot of time or money to accomplish this. Donate useful things, offer to assist strangers and give compliments. You could clear the snow from a neighbor’s driveway or steps.

4. Exercise

Good health can help you feel better about life and achieve other goals as well. Consider jogging, visiting a local fitness center or riding an exercise bike at home. If you write your time and distance in a calendar or journal, it might motivate you and make it easier to track your progress.

Do exercise

5. Gratitude

As you strive to accomplish new things and better yourself in the new year, don’t forget to be grateful for what you already have. Think about your gratitude daily and remember to speak appreciative words. Don’t make the mistake of improving your life only to take it for granted.

6. Organization

Schedules and calendars play a crucial role in bringing goals to fruition. They can help you budget your time equitably rather than spending too many hours on one or two tasks. Try to select a planner that’s portable, provides ample writing space and stays open when you put it down.

Make an effort to banish unnecessary items from your desk surface. Shred or file papers, get rid of expired coupons and throw out pens that don’t work. You’ll appreciate having some open workspace, and the burden of clutter will be lifted from your shoulders.

Office organization

7. Missions

Our “52 Organizing Missions” program could help motivate you to simplify and declutter in the new year. This affordable internet course consists of practical tasks that you can complete in 30 minutes. You may chat with fellow learners and track your progress online. Among other things, the course tells you how to streamline:

  • A house or apartment
  • Time, household chores
  • Desk and office space
  • Briefcase or purse
  • Garage and vehicle
  • Your to-do lists

“52 Organizing Missions” doesn’t just teach people to declutter places. It helps you develop the habits and mindset needed to organize your life in the long run. You can begin and complete the missions at any time of your choosing. Please visit the course page to get started.